Episode 21

Published on:

27th Oct 2021

117: "It's not okay to feel burned out." Maximizing your high-performance potential with an efficient, sustainable and scientifically sound approach with Louise Valentine

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Last Updated: September 2, 2024


117: "It's not okay to feel burned out." Maximizing your high-performance potential with an efficient, sustainable and scientifically sound approach with Louise Valentine

Louise Valentine from episode 88 returns to update us on her and her family's health conditions, her new health and wellness strategies, and how high performance is not just limited to athletes. She shares how military spouses can benefit from the Badass Breakthrough Academy, what is the "strategic hustle" game plan, common myths and misconceptions that were told by the wellness industry, and much more.

Louise Valentine is an award-winning health and performance coach, best-selling author, competitive athlete, fierce military spouse, and leader within the wellness industry. She was the 2020 Outstanding Health Education Specialist of the Year and in Disrupt Magazine’s Top 10 Performance Coaches to Watch in 2021.

Connect with Louise Valentine


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September 2021, the show made the Final Slate in the 16th Annual People's Choice Podcast Awards for the Government & Organizations category. November 2020, Jen Amos and Holding Down the Fort Podcast was awarded “Media Professional of the Year” at The Rosie Network Entrepreneur Awards! We've also been featured in multiple media outlets including Legacy Magazine, U.S. Veterans Magazine, The American MilSpouse, VeteranCrowd Network, It's a Military Life, VirtForce, Military Veteran Dad Podcast, and much more.

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Jen Amos 0:00

All right. Hey everyone. Welcome back to another episode of the award winning podcast show holding down the fort. I am your Creator and co host Jenn emos. And of course, I have my co host with me, Danny Lynch. True, genuine Welcome back.

Unknown Speaker 0:12

Hey, happy to be here today.

Jen Amos 0:14

he actually last year was the:

Speaker 1 1:22

He's doing really well. Thank you. I mean, COVID definitely is a life changer for some individuals bodies. And he is no exception to that. But he is doing well. He's alive and kickin, you know, very grateful for his presence and kind of some game changing takeaways from that experience and eye opening changes to my life too. So

Jen Amos 1:45

awesome. Well, I'm glad to hear that because I imagine if our listeners listened to that episode, they're like, oh, how is her dad doing? So I thought I would ask for the listeners.

Speaker 1 1:53

Yes. And he is also cancer free right now, which is incredible. Oh,

Jen Amos 1:58

wow. That is amazing all around. And I know that we're going to be talking a lot about health in our conversation today. So I just think it's so great to hear even on a personal level that someone such as your dad is doing really well.

Speaker 1 2:11

Yes, definitely. There's hope for everyone.

Jen Amos 2:15

Yes, absolutely. And then also, the other thing I wanted to follow up on is, you know, at the time that we were talking back in Episode 88, we were talking about your best selling book, which is titled The Art of breaking through five simple steps to take on any challenge and tackle self doubt. And one of the tips you shared with us to break through in a sense is to have a I'm a badass list. And so I'm curious for you. Is there anything new? You've added to the I'm a badass list? Since we last spoke?

Speaker 1 2:44

Oh, my goodness, yes. So I was diagnosed with a precancerous condition of my stomach, right around the same time that my dad was diagnosed with cancer. And, you know, I went back to the framework of the book, that highperformance mindset framework, and went back to some frameworks in my own, you know, wellness coaching, those interventions that I've designed for some of the chronically ill in our country, looked at highperformance research and once again, designed an intervention for my mind body approach to reverse a health condition that I was told there was nothing I could do about. And one year later, I got my test results that I had completely reverse the condition. Wow. Wow. So that is definitely something I am adding to my IMF s list. And the crazy part of that whole journey is that I still optimized my performance as a competitive athlete and crushed my goal times even here, two kids later, you know, an older athlete, it's still possible to optimize our mind and body's performance with the right approach.

Jen Amos 3:53

Oh my goodness.

Speaker 2 3:54

I mean, that's amazing. I of course want to know what the plan is like I don't have any diagnoses at the moment but better health is always something that's in the forefront of my mind. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. And

Speaker 1 4:05

that that you know, letter for my doctor, that whole experience of waiting for my biopsy results to hear would it be cancer? Or how was I doing you know, I just told it would be probably four years based on my genetic history, like a lot losing grandfather's to stomach cancer that you know, there's nothing I could do about it except don't eat fried food, which I didn't really do anyways, you know, you're telling a health coach and not to eat fried food, okay. That exactly like it's just kind of my daily life. I don't do those things. But yeah, so lots of changes and the dynamic journey continues.

Jen Amos 4:41

No, absolutely. And you know, I want to remind our listeners if you want to hear a lot of Louise's life, she really shares kind of what led her to this point back in Episode 88. You mentioned that this is actually your second chronic health diagnosis that you were able to reverse. Do you mind sharing what your first one was?

Speaker 1 4:59

Yes. At age 33, I got diagnosed with osteoporosis. So my bones were were in very bad shape. So that was kind of where I went back and I wrote down the mindset strategy started writing the art of breaking through. And I was working for army Public Health Center at the time, I was leaning senior leaders, you know, and communicating health research. And here I was designing this intervention to save myself, you know, for the first time, but that was when I was able to reverse also very, you know, after years of coming into this expertise of health and wellness industry, and luckily is a byproduct of this fabulous military life and working in every, you know, different little, you know, nook and cranny of the wellness industry, you can imagine, I was able to effectively design a strategy for myself without medication to start reversing it within one year. So still reversing that that's a long road to reverse your bone health, but it's still still going strong.

Jen Amos 5:56

Yeah, why I think that's amazing. I think it's one thing to be a teacher that you know, studied something of a book and is just teaching it. And it's another thing to actually have experienced it to use yourself as a guinea pig, to show that it works and to, you know, make it your mission, you know, to help others go from good to great, from burnout to badass, and to consistently crush your goals. So once again, Louise, I am just excited to have you back on I know it's been some time, and you have something new now on the table. So you have the what you call the badass Breakthrough Academy. So for people that are hearing about that for the first time, what is it about and Who is it for?

Speaker 1 6:35

Yes, it helps everyday athletes and wellness warriors, those who are very serious about their health and fitness, they enjoy high achieving, driving efficiencies and their health and performance. And they have very specific goals that they're working towards, but they want the right strategies in the right plan delivered at the right time. So we do all of that in the high performance Academy and we work to maximize their mind body performance when it matters the most

Jen Amos 7:01

awesome now for someone such as Jenny Lynn, who wants to know your secret, how does that relate to her? Like how would you be able to you know, encourage her and let's say other spouses to maybe who aren't looking for that intensity but I imagine somewhere close to it

Speaker 1 7:17

well and that's the thing you know, we're all starting from somewhere and we all have this idea of our next level, you know, you 2.0 and we have this we set goals and some set really ambitious goals they sound like crazy, you know, like my husband's running up and down the Grand Canyon kind of thing. And others just want to eat better or they want to improve their energy levels they want their body to recover better well you know the approach the How is a very important part so you define next level you but we look at your journey to get there. And people usually have a pretty good idea of what they're already doing, you know what's in their game plan, they might have a nutrition plan, they might have a training plan or exercise plan where I live in America so they probably are taking vitamins or supplements. But we take a full inventory of that game plan and we do what I call a strategic hustle. We examine it to see you know, how can we maximize your results with a minimum effort possible. So there are very statistics very strategic and efficient ways to to drive the results you're looking for. And we look at sports science and Human Performance research that's where I come in and my little army of credentials caminos take all of these different strategies from across the wellness industry and help you design that perfect plan to meet your goal but it's at the right time. So the missing piece I talked about this in my free training is there's a game changing gap in our healthcare performance journey into achieving next level you so you look at how you personally define that but all of the little mini obstacles that appear along the way how do you address them it's having quick and effective skills for what you do and what you say to yourself when it gets hard

Jen Amos 9:10

you know nowadays what I say to myself as I'm moving around a lot so I am just not right neglecting my health.

Speaker 2 9:17

me I spent a good portion of:


I think the insights that you just shared about yourself are extremely important. And it's honestly the basis for a badass Breakthrough Academy. It's taking potential setbacks, and having a proactive and preventive approach to turn it into a badass breakthrough. But all of those ambitious goals and you 2.0 cannot happen if you don't have quick and effective skills to have a strong mind body foundation from which you operate from. So I have these new health and wellness strategies that are awesome, like things to do to lose weight, increase energy, optimize athlete's ability to recover, but they're not going to work. If you're starting at a deficit. If you're so low energy, if your life is so high stress, your body will fight against you, if you're starting from that deficit. So those You're right, those goals are nearly impossible to achieve without a consistently strong foundation from which you always operate, which is exactly what I'm teaching and badass Breakthrough Academy quick and effective ways to increase energy, optimize your body's ability to recover, we look at high performance, mind body, how do we maximize it in the most efficient way possible? So it's easy, it's sustainable, and then all of the badass ambitious 2.0 goals that you have, it's smooth sailing, because you already know how to troubleshoot each little obstacle. So we'll talk about things like you know, what do we do when we're in extreme pain in the middle of a performance event for athletes? You know, they're quick and effective skills, even in the heart of the event, you can look at work stress, how do we, you know, manipulate our biochemistry, the physiology of our body? To expedite our results, you know, works problem has you stumped. What do you do, you know, there's little things you can do to manipulate your own physical chemistry and physiology, which is where all the fun things that I've learned over the years come into play.


So it sounds like you not only have strategies for like upping your level of badassery, but also like getting back to a baseline. And I think for me, you know, and many of my friends that I've talked to who have been kind of on this season's spouse dirty for a decade Plus, you know, we all have kids, everybody's doing their own thing, and we're all working. You know, there are many of us looking for a baseline, like how do we get back to just not feeling exhausted all the time, with all of the inputs.


And that's what I mean by a high achiever, right is someone who's just taking on so much life, but you also at the same time, want to live life to the fullest. You want it to be vibrant, and you know, you want to be a good example for the kids and all of these little things that you do along the way, these health goals or performance goals, the success in your life, it all has a ripple effect on one another. So it's just you know, taking that entire spectrum of the journey, we can tie it to athletic performance, health goals, fitness, which really is its success in life, too. Yeah.

Jen Amos:

And hearing you talk the key word that I got was when you said to help people maximize results with minimum effort and really what you're saying is you're teaching people whether it's you know, I know athletes is your main niche, but you know, even just talking to us to work smart, not hard athlete. Well, I don't know. No, I'm kidding. I I'm kind of throwing myself in that group. Because I literally like Like my mom in law has like Halloween candy already out and she's like gone for the next week and a half and I've already eaten like literally half of the bowl like i'd kid you not like all of the KitKat like all the little kitkats and like receipts are like almost gone. So I get what I'm trying to say is I myself was not an athlete. So I don't mean to throw you under the bus regulate I was


born, I was totally kidding. already talked about just dance being my preferred method of like exercising. So there we have it.


So that's the thing, it's I'm talking highperformance I'm not talking just athletes, athletes do love the strategies, but honestly, in the academy right now, I have military spouses who are seasoned and they are productivity experts, but they want to drive that productivity in their health and fitness. I have, you know, commanders, naval commanders who are using the strategies for themselves, and to support those on their ship and those that they lead and guide. I have, you know, busy pharmacist, moms who are ultra runners, you know, I do have some athletes in there, too. But we're talking about this entire, you know, how do you define to point out? Yeah, and what are the obstacles in your journey? And how do we get those biggest bang for your buck strategies and solutions to just crush all your little obstacles? So that way, your journey is much smoother?

Jen Amos:

You know, and you describing it like that Luis, it sounds I feel a little less hard on myself, to know that high performance is not just an athletes thing,


or Absolutely not. And I think some of the language is like tripping up some of my marketing because they're like, athletes. What? I'm not an athlete. I'm like, you've run 50 marathons in 50. States, you are an athlete. Are you kidding me? It sounds like I'm not a high performer. I'm like, but you've run your own business and you're a mom and you also exercise

Unknown Speaker:

and take care of yours. like are you kidding me?

Jen Amos:

Well, you know that that's what I love to Louise, because and this is why I like bringing guests back on the show. Because it sounds to me a lot of your branding has improved, like you knew who you wanted to help. But you realize that when you say let's say the word athlete, you have people like Jenny Lynn, and I kind of you know, taking yourself out of the equation. Yeah, sorry, Jenny, bringing me back into this, you know, and so I like how you're saying it's all about, you know, how you define high performance, it's about maximizing results with minimum effort at the right time. And so if anything, it also validates my current circumstance, you know, I'm here coming on the show already feeling like oh my gosh, I'm going to be just poking fun at myself because I haven't been taking care of myself, but I am at a deficit right now because of how many times like Scott and I have relocated in just the last two months actually, and to give myself that kind of grace. So I just I love that and I think that to our listeners, they'll feel a little more reassured, you know, knowing that your Academy could actually apply to them.


Absolutely. And you know, we talk about all this mixed messaging, my free training goes into like common myths and misconceptions that were told by the wellness industry, the end of the marketing that tells us we have to do more to be more and all of these supplements and things that we need when we can go back to basics and we can have this incredible simple strong foundation from which we can always maximize our mind body performance from and you know, some of the basic lessons in the first few weeks are just looking at misconceptions around productivity. And you know, how do we do a little bit less in our life and let's not say that being tired is good because it's a byproduct of a good strong hustle, it's not okay to feel burned out. That is a sign from our body that we need to troubleshoot and autocorrect let's let's look at corrective strategies in that moment. That's a sign from our body, it's not a bad thing. It's just a red flag it tells us what to do as a signal, stop, take some action, know what to do, and then move on.

Jen Amos:

I love that I love how you say it's not okay to feel burned out because I think for me like and this is probably a lot to do with my upbringing and being raised by a single parent after 10 years old is that it always seemed like getting to a point of exhaustion was considered like you were doing something right. You know, and so to say that even you know, and genuine always points out whenever I'm highly caffeinated, I talk really fast like part of why I am always caffeinated especially you know, when I do these calls is because I want to, like I want to feel productive I want to feel like I'm contributing I'm adding you know, to the conversation. And at the end of the day though, I have a hard time going to sleep because I still feel like well I'm not exhausted yet I need to exhaust like, even last night I stayed up till like 2am because I was like okay, now I'm tired now I can knock out you know, but I think it's just and maybe this has a lot to do with the pandemic and being stuck at home or you know, just all the craziness of it, but somehow I feel like being burnt out is a sign that I Did something right? And so for you to say that I think you just like changed my life this very moment. And so I think I'm gonna like I'm gonna just let that marinate with myself. But I love how you said that.


I am definitely putting productivity expert on my resume as a military spouse, I thank you so much for being like, hey, like, look at all that you were me. I mean it. This is just my life. And so this is what I do. And it doesn't work unless I work it the way that it's working kind of thing. Like I'm trying to talk myself through that. But like, No, I mean, the truth is I'm handling like, I don't just all have my eggs in one basket, I have eggs in 15 baskets, and all of them need to be like, you know, take it where they need to go. And I think the other thing that this conversations really bring to light is something I heard the other day about how you know, a couple 100 years ago, the measure of someone being successful, was their ability to take leisure and rest. And it was really like the people in poverty that were that were the workers and now we have totally flipped that, you know, marker of success. Like now you are only successful if you were the hardest worker who takes the least amount of breaks and who can go until they just can't anymore. And I listened to that the other day, and that one that has never felt right to me, but I live with someone who does work that way. And have often compared my own ability to accomplish and achieve no one can see my air quotes accomplish, you know, against his ability to like run and run and run and run and run and this high pace we're at like 8pm I'm done for the day, like I'm ready to read my book and go to bed. Because I know that waiting for me when I get up in the morning is those 15 baskets for all of the different things that I that I have to handle. And so I love that your program you know helps you like kind of own that high productivity badass Hurry, you know, in a way that's also manageable. I think the reason I burned out and went back to like walking in 10 minutes of yoga is because it was unmanageable for my body to continue to put in that kind of work. Because I was just tired all the time. And I still don't know that I fully like you know rebounded from I mean, Jen said we are more settled my but my office this lovely room is the only room in the house that is completely done. I mean, we're having a full bathroom right now right now. So you can see through the floor in my bathroom right now. Like there is no floor, they've done it all up. So like, in addition to like all of the regular everyday stuff, like I'm also handling cleaning a bathroom window and like having people in and out of my house, which even though I'm not the one doing the work adds another level of like things that are happening in my world, which I've realized makes me more tired than I normally AM.

Jen Amos:

And it sounds to me jennylyn It's because you have to constantly refocus, right, like you have all these distractions left and right, up and down, you know, everywhere. And it's like, even if it's just a bathroom, you know, and a renovation and even if, like you have to welcome people into the house to do it. Like it interrupts whatever you were already working on. I mean, even when we started this conversation, and Luke came home, you know, it's like, you had to take a step out for a second there and then come back and recollect yourself. Like, there's a lot I think, in general, there's a lot of interruptions when it comes to a military spouses life that yes, by eight o'clock, you just want to you want to clock out, you're done. So I just hearing you talk, I wanted to highlight that and validate, you know, kind of just how you feel, you know, at the end of the day, and why, you know, it's often difficult to, you know, do what, what we're trying to have today in this in this discussion in regards to like, you know, high performance and taking care of your overall health and well being.


Yeah, and just, you know, recognizing, too, that you and this is something I have to do with myself too, as an athlete, like, I want to go out I want to train hard every single day. But there's some days I stopped myself and I make my butt walk. Because I am already if you think about it from a physiological standpoint, which I do because my physiologist, but your cortisol, my cortisol is through the roof on Sundays. If I don't slow down and walk and take some deep breaths, my I am just fighting against my body, I'm depleting my body of minerals I am, you know, I'm just headed towards a slippery slope of more diseases. And so by you each evening, recognizing you need quiet time, that's step one right there in your health plan is to just restore and decrease cortisol. And the next day if you walk a little bit or you do something in terms of your nutrition, you just keep taking those small steps. But you know, it's just so funny that we think it's societal pressures but we feel so bad about taking time to slow down when it is Pretty much the number one step that we have to do and simplify to your body you know, keep talking about that do less filter and teacher castle that I teach in my course is, you know, you're starting from a great place for health and fitness that you don't have to do too much to see results. Once you get that stress level down, you can go for a few walks a day, and that's going to help. Like don't go I've watched these peloton warriors just go through the roof layer and doing the hardest workout right away. And I'm like, Where's your body going to progress to our body adapts start with that, where you're getting results at the easiest level, because you're gonna have to go up eventually. So progress accordingly. Once you you know, don't do it all at once. That's, I guess that's the point there, don't do it all at once. Because you can get results by starting small.


That's not what you do. I mean, that definitely is the mindset like you're either like you're not or you are slacking off. I


know, it's like I need the nutrition plan. And with the workout plan I'm gonna make my fridge is stocked with healthy foods. And that's when I start, that's the only place where I can start right

Jen Amos:

now. Part of my anxiety of wanting to take care of my health again, actually has a lot to do with my husband, Scott, because when I start to propose what I would like to do, he gets into the crazy extreme, he's like, Oh, I want to do the potato diet I want to do like the fasting I want to do like, you know, he just gets into like the quick fixes and and I think for me, what I need to learn is to focus on what I need, not what we need, you know, I love him. But like, we have totally different body physiques genuine is medicine person, we're different, totally different. And obviously, man female is totally different, but sizes as well. And so I think part of just wanting to put myself first in the sense and and defining what high performance means for me, as opposed to like, feeling like I have to share it with him. I mean, he needs to figure it out what zone like if he wants to do it, he should do it. Right. And so I'm curious if you have a thought on that in regards to let's say, couples wanting to get back into fitness?


Yes. So one of the things there that you really touched on? Is this, the art of the strategic hustle that I teach, once we clearly define where we want to go, that goal that we set for ourselves, you know, we think about what is that next level version of ourselves really look like? What What is the ripple effect that it has on our on our life and get excited about you 2.0. But then look at how you're going to get there, which is what you're touching on right, you're talking about the game plan to get there. And it is okay to stand tall and find an own what works best for you. Because you're like you said your body is different. And that's what I want those you know, the the warriors to come into the badass Breakthrough Academy is we find and we own and we optimize what works best for you. And you can stand taller and more confident in those strategies. And that like we do, we get cut, we get caught by marketing industry, we get caught by what our best friends doing, we could pop by what our husband wants to do. But we have to look at and ask ourselves is what we're doing efficiently and effectively contributing to our vision of next level you if it's not find what works for you ditch what doesn't. So it's that confidence piece to like having that confidence, say I'm gonna ditch it. But when it comes to couples, that that can be a little challenging, you know, when you guys want to do different strategies, but that understanding the mutual understanding that this is just not contributing to where I want to go, this doesn't work for me, I think if you can, you know, have that conversation upfront. And then when things don't align, like I don't want to eat this because it's it's not going to contribute to this vision, like share that greater vision with each other. And then when we mix each other's house, it's a little bit easier.

Jen Amos:

So set healthy boundaries. Okay.


Back to the mental health component of the show healthy boundaries are always a good place to start. No, I mean, I was thinking, yeah, Matthew and I have attempted many things together that have quickly got arrived because also we are different people with different needs for our bodies, you know, but on that, I think what I really love is that you help people identify their obstacles and take them out of the way and I will just say that the one of the things that I have identified in this season one is realizing it's a season. My husband isn't always going to be on CTV with a crazy schedule, and we aren't always gonna have a middle have kids at two different schools doing different things. And me working from home and having a bathroom renovation and having just moved cross country like those are those things aren't always going to be true. And so that's been one thing and so in this season for me, one of the obstacles I've removed is really worrying about dinner. And then what I'm going to do for lunch and I am having either pre created meals That literally go in your freezer and then you heat them up delivered, or like a hellofresh, where like, they give you all the things and you just have to put it together. And that in this season has been amazing. Because that's like one of those nutritional pieces that I'm not constantly like, what am I going to have, because what I was doing before I decided to kind of automate those things was like, I don't really have time between meetings. So I'll eat a protein bar, and then I wouldn't have time again until I did another one, or I just grabbed ice cream out of the freezer, because it was good, and it was gonna fill me up. But then I had ice cream for like, a meal, and not really any other, you know, actual food. And so, you know, for me, that's one of the things is like one of the obstacles was, Oh, my gosh, I have 15 minutes, eat lunch between meetings, and I open my fridge and stare at it and realize that I didn't have time to make anything, nor did anything look good. So I've automated that stuff, and just didn't like the week and a half that I've been automating all of it. That's been life changing.


I love it, you are embracing one of the guiding principles of my Academy, which is just recognizing that you are an engineer of your health. So you know, you're going to find something that works. And then it's not going to work. And that is just reality. So when we know that and we expect it, you know, you just accept the fact you're going to have to re engineer accordingly. So you might find something, we might find a diet that works for our body, and then our body adapts, we have to change it. And then as you just referenced any Lin season of life, life is going to happen. What works in one season of life is not going to work in the next. So embracing that engineer process. Sounds like you're doing a great job. Well, thank you. Yeah, that's awesome. And I love that you own the fact that yes, I am getting meal delivery. There's nothing wrong with that I get my groceries, you know delivered to the house some days because I've tried to work like for optimizing our time. I love it.


Yeah, anything food related currently at the stroop Palace is all automated between grocery delivery and or meals that like come and my kids decided they wanted this just basically left. We have always been like lunch Packers, because it was healthier. It was better for you. We had the ability to be a lunch backer and both kids looked at me this year, like the day before school started. And we're like, Mom, can we be cafeteria people this year, like tyria person and they were like, you know, people that like buy lunch in the cafeteria, like literally everyone else we go to school with and I was like, You know what, in this season, you can be cafeteria person. And I'm not going to worry that you're probably eating cold pizza every single day for lunch, because it's just one of those things I can't worry about and what i what i can worry about is having like good nutritious things delivered to the house for dinner. That's what I can worry about. can't worry about being cafeteria people today. Yeah, yeah.

Jen Amos:

I love that. I think Jenny Lynn and I are feeling so validated in this conversation today. And I was literally just talking to my therapist yesterday about like, how I wanted to start taking care of my health again. So I don't think this conversation was on accident.


Yes, you had me at perfect timing. Yes, I did.

Jen Amos:

Well, Louise. So we talked a little bit about the badass Breakthrough Academy. And even before people start looking into it, I know that you have a free advanced training, which is called maximize your high performance potential with an efficient, sustainable and scientifically sound approach. So tell us about this advanced training and how they can have access to it.


Yeah, definitely. Well, if you go to badass breakthrough academy.com, you'll see, you know, what is the academy about some of my background, you know, some of the testimonials of the different people I've worked with, and it really is across the spectrum of the industry from, you know, starting my career working in the NFL, all the way through designing health interventions and technology in a recent position for our nation's most chronically ill. So after obtaining all these credentials, and experience, I finally put it all together and a badass Breakthrough Academy. And I share my exact approach and framework in the training. So you can learn some of these common misconceptions of the wellness and health industry and what you can do about it. So how do you intervene at the right time. And of course, I can't teach all of my biggest bang for your buck Pelton performance strategies in the training, but I to show you the framework. And as we learned here today, there's just some perspective shifts that are so empowering. So guess I share about the performance Academy but it also is going to empower you as much as those simple shifts that can really make a difference and move the needle for you in your health and performance success.

Jen Amos:

Awesome. I love it. And well Louise. It's been a pleasure, you know, having you back on our show and I just you know love seeing how much has shifted for you and improved for you and even your accolades of being an award winning health and performance coach. Let our listeners know other than checking out badass Breakthrough Academy comm if there's any other links or resources or ways to contact you that you'd like to share with our listeners today? Absolutely.


Well you can find me on Instagram at breaking through wellness. Also a Facebook page for breaking through wellness too. You can find me on LinkedIn and Facebook just as Louise Valentine. So I'm always happy to connect and I just want to encourage everyone that I am a real human being like you feel free to send me a direct message or an email at support at breaking through wellness calm because I do I have people who come to the performance Academy apply. And I want to have that conversation upfront to determine if it's the right fit for someone. And along the way I just have great conversations with other human beings and we talk about their health and performance life so and I think everyone is capable of the high performance life so I think that there's one takeaway you are fully capable of living life to the fullest you're fully capable of maximizing your mind body potential. So I hope my story and some of the things we shared today help to empower you with that perspective shift as well for yourself.

Jen Amos:

Awesome wonderful. All that being said Louise thank you again so much for joining us to our listeners you know that you can get ahold of her with all the contact information see listed are mentioned which will also be included in the show notes. So Luis thank you again for joining us.


Absolutely. It was such a great honor to be a guest again I love watching your guys journey and your continuation of success and all the contributions to the military life. Yes,

Jen Amos:

the feeling is mutual and of course many land thank you for co hosting with me as always,

Unknown Speaker:

of course I love it.

Jen Amos:

Of course Jen knows getting


I this is my my this is this is one of my most favorite baskets that I have.

Jen Amos:

I love it. I love it. Awesome. And of course our listeners Thank you for listening and we will chat with you in the next episode. Tune in next time.

Show artwork for Holding Down the Fort by US VetWealth

About the Podcast

Holding Down the Fort by US VetWealth
Do you want to do more than “follow orders,” think outside of the box, and manifest your dreams? Then you’ve come to the right show!

In the previous season, the award-winning podcast, Holding Down the Fort by US VetWealth, highlighted motivational stories of personal growth, financial awareness, and autonomy in our military community. The show is hosted by Jen Amos, a Gold Star daughter, Veteran Spouse, and Entrepreneur.

For Fall 2025, the show will continue its partnership with The Rosie Network. Learn more about how they are building up the next generation of military-connected entrepreneurs at https://therosienetwork.org/

We will continue to showcase US VetWealth's partnership with Blue Water Advisors, featuring conversations with Scott R. Tucker and Mike Wallace about career progression for military retirees seeking employment in post-military. Check out their latest live shows at https://www.youtube.com/@USVWTV/streams

Our main sponsor, US VetWealth, proudly offers Life Insurance and Annuity Strategies for The High-Income Military Retiree. Let's help you capitalize on your above-average health and substantial income-earning potential for post-military life. For a free consultation, visit https://usvetwealth.com/

In the Fall of 2023, Jen Amos was sought after by InDependent to co-host the 8th annual InDependent Wellness Summit™. In August 2022, Jen Amos' work on the podcast was recognized by the Disney Institute. She was hand-selected as the only non-Disney employee to moderate the first Military Spouse Employment panel for the Veterans Institute Summit. March 2022, former co-host Jenny Lynne was voted the 2022 Naval Station Norfolk Armed Forces Insurance Military Spouse of the Year. November 2020, Jen Amos was awarded “Media Professional of the Year” at The Rosie Network Entrepreneur Awards! The show continued to collect award nominations in the following years. In September 2021, the show made the Final Slate in the 16th Annual People's Choice Podcast Awards for the Government & Organizations category. In November 2021, the show was an Award Finalist for the 5th Annual National Veteran & Military Spouse Entrepreneur Awards. December 2021, the show was a Golden Crane Podcast Awards Nominee. September 2022, the show was a Finalist for the 13th Annual Plutus Awards presented by Capital Group for “Best Military Personal Finance Content.”

Holding Down the Fort has also been featured in multiple media outlets, including Military Entrepreneur (M.E.) Magazine, MOAA’s Never Stop Learning Podcast, The Leadership Void Podcast, Lessons Learned for Vets Podcast, Sisters in Service Podcast, Get 2 Vet, Blue Star Families of Dayton & Southwestern Ohio, Legacy Magazine, U.S. Veterans Magazine, The American MilSpouse, VeteranCrowd Network, It's a Military Life, VirtForce, Military Veteran Dad Podcast, and much more.

"Jen has a beautiful way of capturing the essence of her guests. She listens with an open mind and heart to help expand the words spoken- bringing life, connection, and deeper understanding. The military life is never “easy” we merely learn how to adapt the best we know how to. It’s through continuing to build the community up that we will see a decrease in the mental hardships we sometimes face. Thank you for your work to bridge the gaps, build awareness, and give a voice to so many of us. With a variety of guests, there is truly an episode meant for you to hear. I look forward to continuing to support you Jen!" - Candice E. Van Dertholen, Ep. 190
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About your host

Profile picture for Jen Amos

Jen Amos

As the co-owner of US VetWealth, I assist in business operations and in marketing educational content for military retirees seeking alternative options to the Survivor Benefit Plan and privatized financial strategies for your military retirement.

From growing up in a military family to becoming a Gold Star family member at 10 years old, I have first-hand experience with how a sudden transition to civilian life can impact a family emotionally and financially. Thanks to the Price of Freedom Foundation, you can read about our family's story in the book titled, "Silent Soul: The MM1 Alfonso Apdal Amos Story (The Price of Freedom Chronicles - Cold War Era)."

20+ years removed from military life, I started the podcast show Holding Down the Fort by US VetWealth in the summer of 2019 to get a pulse on the community today. I’ve come to find that our families still share similar issues that I faced in my childhood. It’s become a sense of responsibility to do my part in validating the stories and struggles of career military families. By the fall of 2020, I had been awarded Media Professional of the Year by The Rosie Networks' National Veteran and Military Spouse Entrepreneur Awards. Since then, the show has received five more award nominations and has been recognized by multiple media outlets, including the Disney Institute’s Veterans Insititute.

While the show is off-season, I focus most of my time building out US VetWealth’s Military Retirement Blueprint -- the only resource for military retirees to learn about SBP alternatives and privatized financial strategies. Contrary to popular belief, retiring military officers and senior NCOs are, what we consider, high-income earners. Our FREE resource provides guides, courses, live training, consulting, and an ever-growing list of content for you to learn about your untapped potential and opportunities for post-military life. Access our free resource now by visiting https://militaryretirementblueprint.com/

You can read more about Jen Amos' work in the Summer 2023 Military Entrepreneur Magazine by The Rosie Network (Pg. 16).