Episode 1

Published on:

3rd Feb 2021

074: Season 4 Trailer with Co-Hosts Jen Amos & Jenny Lynne Stroup

Hey there, listener! Thank you for checking out our older seasons! We're adding this note on the top of the show notes to keep you up-to-date with the show. Connect with Jen Amos and get bonus content when you subscribe to our private podcast show, Inside the Fort by US VetWealth, at http://insidethefort.com/

Last Updated: September 2, 2024


074: Season 4 Trailer with Co-Hosts Jen Amos & Jenny Lynne Stroup

This episode is also available on YouTube: https://youtu.be/V7niqV-LPso

Co-hosts Jen Amos and Jenny Lynne Stroup return for Season 4 of Holding Down the Fort! They share how 2021's been treating them so far and what exciting things to look forward to on the show!

Coming Soon: Support Jen as she's been selected as contestant for Season 3 of the reality podcast competition: America’s Next Top Podcaster! Learn more https://www.americasnexttoppodcaster.com/

MilSpouseFest is Going Virtual for 2021! Check out their upcoming events at https://milspousefest.com/events/upcoming-events/


We're now accepting guests! Apply today https://forms.gle/sDY5nPkEMu665FXn6

Say updated! Subscribe to our newsletter http://eepurl.com/gTTOdT

Visit our website https://www.holdingdownthefortpodcast.com/

Sponsored by US VetWealth - The moment that you leave the military is the biggest opportunity of your lifetime, and you’re going to need money for it. Download the first three chapters of Scott R. Tucker’s (Jen’s husband and business partner) Veteran Wealth Secrets for FREE to learn more at http://veteranwealthsecrets.com/

Connect with our co-hosts Jen Amos jen@holdingdownthefortpodcast.com and Jenny Lynne Stroup https://jennylynnestroup.com/ or jennylynnestroup379@gmail.com

November 2020, Jen Amos and Holding Down the Fort Podcast was awarded “Media Professional of the Year” at The Rosie Network Entrepreneur Awards! Check out her acceptance speech at https://therosienetwork.org/entrepreneur-awards

Enjoy our show? Kindly leave us a review on Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/30SJ7NW, Podchaser https://bit.ly/3dnCacY, or write a LinkedIn Recommendation for Jen https://bit.ly/3jNobzB


Jen Amos 0:00

Welcome to holding down the fort, an award winning podcast show dedicated to curating knowledge, resources and relevant stories for today's military spouses, so they can continue to make confident and informed decisions for themselves and their families. Because let's face it, we know who's really holding down the fort. I'm Jen a Moe's a goldstar daughter, veteran spouse and your host for holding down the fort by us bet wealth. Let's get started.

Alright, Hey, everyone. Welcome back to season four of the award winning podcast holding down the fort. I am your co host, Jenn Amos. I'm a gold star daughter and veteran spouse. And for season four. Once again, I'm very fortunate to bring back my co host who is currently an active duty military spouse, blogger and mental health advocates. Genuine Stroup. Gentlemen, welcome back.

Unknown Speaker 0:57

Hey, thanks for having me. Glad to be here today.

Jen Amos 0:59

Yes, yeah, we wanted to make this super special by actually doing video because people have heard you on our show. But they haven't seen you yet. So So how do you feel about you know, kicking off the season with video?

Speaker 1 1:11

I mean, I'm here for it. I think I put on makeup today. This is like my fancy face. My fancy books. This is what I did on most in all of the meetings I'm on. So there we go. Fancy. Yeah,

Jen Amos 1:23

for sure. I saw like the behind the scenes for you. And like, like you have this full on library? Did you and your family travel with all those books? Or is that just in the house that you're currently in?

Speaker 1 1:33

I mean, I'd love to tell you that like these were other people's and we just made them look pretty. No, these are all ours. And this is all we have comb through over the years and chosen to keep and then added to as needed. So we put this whole bookshelf in because we had books all over the house. And I was like we need a place that they all go. So unless for the most part unless there's a book we're reading, they're all housed here, and we just get them as we can.

Jen Amos 2:03

That's incredible. I don't recall, I'm with my family, traveling with a lot of books until we were like planted somewhere. So I just think that's astounding that, you know, you made that decision as a family to travel with these books. Yeah,

Speaker 1 2:18

I mean, the PCs Team packout team really loves coming to our house, they take a look at like our large hardwood furniture and the amount of books in our house and are like, Oh dear

Unknown Speaker 2:30

God ever.

Jen Amos 2:31

I just thought I'd ask How is:

Speaker 1 3:09

me, mental health, always key:

Jen Amos 3:58

ything I've really learned in:

Unknown Speaker 5:29

Oh, yeah. Well,

Unknown Speaker 5:30

I mean, I'm

Speaker 1 5:31

so grateful to be here. And likewise, I mean, this podcast has been a super fun highlight of a really strange year. And nothing I ever saw that I was like, wow, I think I'll be on a podcast one day. In fact, my kids, I don't think still actually believe that I do this, you know, like three or four times a week. But yeah, I mean, being able to do this with you and me, you and me, all of our guests has been really, really fun.

Jen Amos 5:58

Yeah, absolutely. So to our listeners, just to give you a heads up on the new year, as far as I'm concerned, right now, at least because I kind of look at life, week by week, day by day, you know, very short term goals here. But for now, we have an ambitious goal, to continue to publish two to three episodes every week for you. And we're going to be going for most of the spring and sorted decide from there if we want to take a break in the summer or not. But that's just something to look forward to. As you know, starting February until springtime, you can expect two to three episodes a week. So genuine You and I have a lot of work to do to be talking to a lot of people. So genuine, I am curious to know, what has been, I guess, either most fun or insightful, or empowering about interviewing the guests that we have so far in January, that people are going to have the fortune of listening to this season?

Unknown Speaker 6:47

I mean, I think

Speaker 1 6:48

mostly, I'm constantly amazed at how many things military families do, I have found that to be just inspiring, and really neat, just to see all the different things that our community provides for our community. And I think that's really special. So that's been really fun. I mean, learning about all these things myself, that is an active duty spouse, I was like, Oh, well, that's really good to know, like, stick that in my back pocket for when we need that service or, you know, something, and then, you know, really getting to know people from other services. That's been really fun. I mean, your husband is an army that which, you know, we all sort of speak the same God language, but not really. And so it's been really fun to get to talk to people with different military backgrounds. And the one that I have come up in is military spouse. You know, what, I think we've done a good job, at least on the ones we've recorded thus far of really walking and good line between information and relationship. And, you know, kind of taken a look at some things that are challenging about military life. And I think you and I have had some really good conversations thus far with folks. I'm really excited about season four coming out, we do like Jen said, we have a lot of my friends on who are active duty or veterans themselves or other veteran service organizations. And I'm really happy with the content we're putting out because I think we run such a broad spectrum of things. And I really have had some conversations about kind of tough subjects that were handled with a lot of grace.

Jen Amos 8:32

Yeah, definitely. I know which one you're talking about. In particular, I will not spoil it. You just all have to wait for that episode to come out. But yeah, you know, on my end, it's definitely been, I just feel like with every episode, or every interview, the conversations just get deeper and just enlightening and fulfilling. And, I mean, there's just so much that, like, I get just out of being able to interview people, you know, really my hope. And I even feel this with every interview that we have is my hope is that whoever's listening to the show that you have so much ammo from the show that you feel like like the only person that's holding you back is yourself, right, the only person to keep you away from certain resources or help or what have you is yourself. And I hope that the show shows you that you can seek out help, you can use these resources. These are people you can contact today, you know, their contact information is in every show notes and they want to be contacted, they want to help you. A lot of them even say like, hey, even if you don't want to be a client and you just want to connect, reach out to me, and that's what I love the most about people we've brought on the show so far. It's just their willingness to be in community with everyone in our community. I'm gonna say community a lot. And yeah, just that common theme of community is what very much what I appreciate with everyone that's been on. So I'm really excited for you know, people to experience to experience the upcoming interviews that we have coming ahead. So with that said, that a couple updates that I want to share with all of you is that genuinely bio is on our website now. So if you all want to learn about her, just visit our website holding down the fort's podcast calm. And you can scroll to the bottom after the about section and you'll see my bio there. I mean, my bio is like always been there, but you'll see Jenny Lin's bio. And you'll also get to see you know how you can reach out to her on social media and see all the incredible work she's doing. So genuine. How does it feel to like, officially be on the website now?


I mean, it feels official, I have to say it was really exciting to like, refresh the page and see everything come up. And I was like, oh, wow, we're really like, we're really doing this like this is. It's really neat. Really,

Jen Amos:

really? Yeah. Yeah, for sure. For sure. I love it. Yeah. So you all can check that out, as well as obviously all the past episodes and upcoming episodes that are going to be on our show. And again, our website is holding down the forts podcast calm, it's long, but I don't think it's hard to spell. I feel like those are all easy words to spell holding down the fort, podcast calm. All right. So with that said, I also just want to share with all of you that this show is brought to you by my husband and I at our company us But well, and I want to share just a little bit about our company, in case you don't know about us already. And we continue to improve our messaging as we start to learn more about our community and see what most benefits them. So this is my elevator pitch. For now, it might improve. But this is just for you all to know. So at us debt wealth, we provide alternative financial education and flexible financial solutions for transitioning career military families, you can get an idea of what I mean, by checking out Scott's book, my husband, veteran Wealth Secrets, I actually have a copy right here. And there's like one, like right there in my cute little corner. But you can actually download the first three chapters for free at the website, veteran Wealth Secrets calm. And I really like it for myself, not because I'm biased, but maybe because I am biased. You guys can be the judge of that. But when I read the book myself, even though it's geared toward veterans, I really feel like it offers universal lessons and wisdom that really resonates with spouses and actually even entrepreneurs, especially for post military life. And so that's something that I'll probably bring on quite often throughout our show, just so you know, who are the brains behind this show, and the reason why this show exists. That's a little bit about us. And you can actually learn more about my husband, he does have a YouTube channel where you can learn more about him he runs a show called veteran Wealth Secrets name of the book. And so if you want to, you know, meet my other half or my other person as I'm gonna say, I don't want to say other half because I feel like that's, like sounds like codependent. But anyway, if you want to be my other person, you can check out genuine just like even this app right now,

Unknown Speaker:

you can go ahead and

Jen Amos:

read all about it. I love it because I just came out of a counseling session. So it's like top of mine. But yeah, you can just learn more about him on YouTube and also LinkedIn and everything but veteran Wealth Secrets is the first place to get started veteran wealth secrets.com Lastly, I want to share with our listeners that I do have a newsletter. And even though we've been a little quiet about it, offseason, we will be putting that out there quite often. And in that newsletter, you'll get updates on our latest news, and also a curation of content from our guests that have been on the show in the past. And so feel free to sign up for that if you want to stay contacted with us and see what more our guests from the past has to offer. And you can check that out by subscribing or checking out the show notes of this episode, or visiting our website holding down the forts podcast calm. Okay, that's it. I wanted to keep this really simple today genuine, just to say, Hey, welcome aboard. Again, happy to have you again for season four. And let's just let our listeners know kind of what else we're up to in case they want to get to know us a little bit more. I thought I'd let our listeners know, first and foremost that I'm currently a contestant on America's Next Top podcaster. And so you can check that out on America's Next Top podcaster.com see, they have a long title too. Or you could follow me on twitter at V Jen emos to, you know, see my journey and how that unfolds. But it's been fun so far, I can't reveal anything but I just have to say it's been a ton of fun. So that's something fun about me genuine, anything you want to share. I know that we talked a little bit offline about mill spouse fests, so if you want to let our listeners know about that,


yeah, so in my professional work capacity, I will be contributing to the mill spouse fest conference monthly in my work capacity, but just a plug for them. It is a great conference for military spouses. I was fortunate to attend an in person event two years ago, and now they have switched to a virtual platform, which I found still provided really great resources and content. And so since we have a large active duty spouse, listenership, I thought I would throw it out there that every third Thursday of the month, there's a male spouse fest conference live, and I'll be participating as my work self.

Jen Amos:

Awesome. Yeah. So if you want to see Jenny Lynn, where her professional hat, not her, then you could check out male spouse fast and I'm sure jennylyn you could send me that information so we can provide that in the show notes. Awesome. Well, that's it Welcome everyone to season four of holding down the fort. It's so great to connect with all of you and continue The show for the new year. Remember, because both of us are big mental health advocates mental health important, make sure you prioritize that. And if you need resources, you could find a couple of interviews on our show where we talk about mental health actually, part of how I met genuine was because of the clinic that she works for her presents, which you can look up on our show at holding down the fort podcast calm and yeah, listen in on those interviews and all that good stuff. So all right, gentlemen, anything else from you?

Unknown Speaker:

Don't do it mental health. Yay.

Jen Amos:

Awesome. I love it. All right. And again, we hope that today's first episode of season four gave you one more piece of knowledge resource a relevant story, so you can continue to make confident and informed decisions for you and your family. We look forward to speaking with you in the next episode. Until then, tune in next time. Bye

Show artwork for Holding Down the Fort by US VetWealth

About the Podcast

Holding Down the Fort by US VetWealth
Do you want to do more than “follow orders,” think outside of the box, and manifest your dreams? Then you’ve come to the right show!

In the previous season, the award-winning podcast, Holding Down the Fort by US VetWealth, highlighted motivational stories of personal growth, financial awareness, and autonomy in our military community. The show is hosted by Jen Amos, a Gold Star daughter, Veteran Spouse, and Entrepreneur.

For Fall 2025, the show will continue its partnership with The Rosie Network. Learn more about how they are building up the next generation of military-connected entrepreneurs at https://therosienetwork.org/

We will continue to showcase US VetWealth's partnership with Blue Water Advisors, featuring conversations with Scott R. Tucker and Mike Wallace about career progression for military retirees seeking employment in post-military. Check out their latest live shows at https://www.youtube.com/@USVWTV/streams

Our main sponsor, US VetWealth, proudly offers Life Insurance and Annuity Strategies for The High-Income Military Retiree. Let's help you capitalize on your above-average health and substantial income-earning potential for post-military life. For a free consultation, visit https://usvetwealth.com/

In the Fall of 2023, Jen Amos was sought after by InDependent to co-host the 8th annual InDependent Wellness Summit™. In August 2022, Jen Amos' work on the podcast was recognized by the Disney Institute. She was hand-selected as the only non-Disney employee to moderate the first Military Spouse Employment panel for the Veterans Institute Summit. March 2022, former co-host Jenny Lynne was voted the 2022 Naval Station Norfolk Armed Forces Insurance Military Spouse of the Year. November 2020, Jen Amos was awarded “Media Professional of the Year” at The Rosie Network Entrepreneur Awards! The show continued to collect award nominations in the following years. In September 2021, the show made the Final Slate in the 16th Annual People's Choice Podcast Awards for the Government & Organizations category. In November 2021, the show was an Award Finalist for the 5th Annual National Veteran & Military Spouse Entrepreneur Awards. December 2021, the show was a Golden Crane Podcast Awards Nominee. September 2022, the show was a Finalist for the 13th Annual Plutus Awards presented by Capital Group for “Best Military Personal Finance Content.”

Holding Down the Fort has also been featured in multiple media outlets, including Military Entrepreneur (M.E.) Magazine, MOAA’s Never Stop Learning Podcast, The Leadership Void Podcast, Lessons Learned for Vets Podcast, Sisters in Service Podcast, Get 2 Vet, Blue Star Families of Dayton & Southwestern Ohio, Legacy Magazine, U.S. Veterans Magazine, The American MilSpouse, VeteranCrowd Network, It's a Military Life, VirtForce, Military Veteran Dad Podcast, and much more.

"Jen has a beautiful way of capturing the essence of her guests. She listens with an open mind and heart to help expand the words spoken- bringing life, connection, and deeper understanding. The military life is never “easy” we merely learn how to adapt the best we know how to. It’s through continuing to build the community up that we will see a decrease in the mental hardships we sometimes face. Thank you for your work to bridge the gaps, build awareness, and give a voice to so many of us. With a variety of guests, there is truly an episode meant for you to hear. I look forward to continuing to support you Jen!" - Candice E. Van Dertholen, Ep. 190
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Profile picture for Jen Amos

Jen Amos

As the co-owner of US VetWealth, I assist in business operations and in marketing educational content for military retirees seeking alternative options to the Survivor Benefit Plan and privatized financial strategies for your military retirement.

From growing up in a military family to becoming a Gold Star family member at 10 years old, I have first-hand experience with how a sudden transition to civilian life can impact a family emotionally and financially. Thanks to the Price of Freedom Foundation, you can read about our family's story in the book titled, "Silent Soul: The MM1 Alfonso Apdal Amos Story (The Price of Freedom Chronicles - Cold War Era)."

20+ years removed from military life, I started the podcast show Holding Down the Fort by US VetWealth in the summer of 2019 to get a pulse on the community today. I’ve come to find that our families still share similar issues that I faced in my childhood. It’s become a sense of responsibility to do my part in validating the stories and struggles of career military families. By the fall of 2020, I had been awarded Media Professional of the Year by The Rosie Networks' National Veteran and Military Spouse Entrepreneur Awards. Since then, the show has received five more award nominations and has been recognized by multiple media outlets, including the Disney Institute’s Veterans Insititute.

While the show is off-season, I focus most of my time building out US VetWealth’s Military Retirement Blueprint -- the only resource for military retirees to learn about SBP alternatives and privatized financial strategies. Contrary to popular belief, retiring military officers and senior NCOs are, what we consider, high-income earners. Our FREE resource provides guides, courses, live training, consulting, and an ever-growing list of content for you to learn about your untapped potential and opportunities for post-military life. Access our free resource now by visiting https://militaryretirementblueprint.com/

You can read more about Jen Amos' work in the Summer 2023 Military Entrepreneur Magazine by The Rosie Network (Pg. 16).